In the second episode of Happily Ever Over, we explore the world of meditation and some of its many variations. Meditation is a great way to become more self aware, so you can rewrite your story! It can also help you find inner peace, promote self-discovery, and foster emotional healing. Let’s dive into the 9 different types of meditation Belle and Reny mentioned in the episode to help you find the perfect technique for your journey.
Mindfulness Meditation:
Think of mindfulness meditation as a mini-vacation for your mind. Remember from the first podcast, you simply focus on your breath flowing in and out of your nose. Belle uses the RAIN technique for this type of meditation. R – recognize, A – allow, I – investigate, N – nurture. Do this with any thought that might pass through your mind, and do so without any judgment or getting caught up in them. Simply acknowledge your thoughts and where in your body you are feeling them.
Spiritual Meditation:
Spiritual meditation is like having a heart-to-heart with the universe, your higher power, or your inner self. Find a quiet space, light some candles, or play soothing music, and allow yourself to connect with something greater than yourself through prayer or reflection. This can be a form of prayer if that suits your beliefs!
Focused Meditation:
Focused meditation is like a mental workout that hones your concentration skills. Choose an object, sound, or sensation and give it your full attention. Belle mentioned she used to use a rosary to focus her attention. Another focal point could be a candle. Focus on the flicker of the flame, or maybe in nature, the sound of a flowing stream. As with mindfulness, let all other thoughts drift away.
Movement Meditation:
Combine meditation with your favorite form of exercise! Movement meditation, such as yoga, tai chi, or even walking, helps you become more in tune with your body while enjoying physical activity. It’s like dancing with your breath, creating harmony between your mind and body. Both Belle and Reny love taking walks and appreciating nature’s wonderful abundance.
Mantra Meditation:
Mantra meditation is like a lullaby for your mind. Choose a word or phrase that resonates with you, such as “peace” or “love,” and repeat it in a soothing rhythm. Let the mantra’s vibrations calm your mind and transport you to a tranquil state. Remember when Belle struggled with feeling safe? She repeated the mantra “I am safe.”
Transcendental Meditation:
Transcendental Meditation (TM) is a simple, yet powerful technique that feels like a mental recharge. With a personalized mantra, practice TM for 15-20 minutes twice a day, and experience its benefits, such as reduced stress and increased self-awareness. This meditation is taught by a certified teacher.
Progressive Relaxation:
Progressive relaxation is like giving yourself a mental massage. Tense and release each muscle group in your body, starting from your toes and moving up to your head. This technique can help you unwind after a long day and even improve your sleep. This technique is also referred to as Yoga Nidra, and is a great way to fall asleep!
Loving-Kindness Meditation:
Loving-kindness meditation, or metta meditation, is like sending warm hugs to yourself and others. Begin by extending love and compassion towards yourself, and then gradually include family, friends, acquaintances, and even those you may not get along with. It’s like creating ripples of kindness that radiate outward from your heart.
Visualization Meditation:
Unleash your imagination with visualization meditation! Picture a peaceful scene, like a beach at sunset or a serene forest, or imagine accomplishing a personal goal. Allow your mind to explore these images, experiencing the positive emotions they evoke. This is a great way to feel the emotions you want to increase in your life, such as joy!
Explore these different types of meditation and remember meditation doesn’t have to be serious or technical – it is enjoyable and inspiring! Find the techniques that resonate with you and support your journey towards inner peace, personal growth, and rewriting your story. The best part? You don’t have to guide yourself during these meditations. Belle’s favorite meditation app is InsightTimer. Reny loves the Abraham-Hicks meditations that can be found on YouTube. Check these out and be sure to tune in to the second episode of Happily Ever Over to learn more about incorporating these fun meditation practices into your daily life and embracing their transformative power.